
A ACRO utiliza para seus treinamentos duas aeronaves do tipo 8KCAB Super Decathlons, fabricados pela norte-americana America Champion – ACA. Esses aviões são derivados dos Decathlons originais fabricados pela Bellanca, e têm se mostrado um dos melhores treinadores acrobáticos existentes.

De pilotagem extremamente dócil e previsível, os Super Decathlons são utilizados no Curso de Recuperação de Atitudes Anormais e Parafusos Acidentais, Curso de Acrobacia Básica, e até mesmo no Campeonato Brasileiro de Acrobacia Aérea, competindo nas categorias Básica e Esporte.


8KCAB Super Decathlon PP-TZV – ACRO


8KCAB Super Decathlon PP-KDZ – ACRO

As duas aeronaves da Associação Brasileira de Acrobacia Aérea, 8KCAB Super Decathlons, encontram-se à disposição para treinamento acrobático de alunos e sócios da ACRO no aeródromo de Tietê – SDET, no interior de São Paulo, sede da Associação.

American Champion Aircraft – A.C.A.



Power PlantLycoming AEIO-360-H1B
Horse Power @ RPM180 @ 2700 rpm
Recommended Engine TBO (Acrobatics)1600 hours
Propeller, Constant Speed2-Blade Hartzell Aluminum Propeller (HC-C2YR-4CF/FC7666A-2)
Propeller Diameter74 in.
Length22.9 ft.
Height7.7 ft.
Wingspan32.0 ft.
Wing Area169 sq. ft.
Wing Loading11.5 lb. / sq. ft.
Power Loading10.0 lb. / HP
Seats2, Tandem
Cabin Length8 ft. 10 in.
Cabin Width2 ft. 6 in.
Cabin Height3 ft. 11 in.
Empty Weight (typical)1305 lbs.
Maximum Gross Weight (Normal Category)1950 lbs.
Useful Load (Normal Category)645 lbs.
Payload with Full Fuel (Normal Category)405 lbs.
Maximum Gross Weight (Acrobatic Category)1800 lbs.
Useful Load (Acrobatic Category)495 lbs.
Payload with Full Fuel (Acrobatic Category)255 lbs.
Fuel Capacity40 gal. (39 gal. Usable)
Oil Capacity10 quarts
Baggage Capacity100 lbs. (10.4 cubic feet)

Acrobatic Limit Loading6, -5 g's
Takeoff Distance, Ground Roll580 ft.
Takeoff Distance Over 50-ft Obstacle1061 ft.
Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind Component17 kts.
Rate of Climb, Sea Level1130 fpm
Maximum Level Speed, Sea Level155 mph TAS
Cruise Speed / Endurance with 45 Minute Reserve @ 75% Power141 mph / 3.4 hours
Fuel Consumption @ Altitude9.6 gph @ 7500 ft.
Service Ceiling16000 ft.
Landing Distance over 50-ft. Obstacle1126 ft.
Landing Distance, Ground Roll498 ft.
Limited and Recommended Airspeeds
VY (Best Rate)82 mph IAS
VA (Design Maneuvering)107 mph CAS
VNO (Maximum Structural Cruising)160 mph CAS
VNE (Never Exceed)200 mph CAS
VR (Rotation)57 mph IAS
VS (Stall, Clean)57 mph IAS

*Dados referentes à aeronave extraídos do site oficial do fabricante.

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